Opublikowane: 2023-12-30

Drug resistance in bacteria: An analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of primary care patients in areas that are key for better management of the problem

Wiktoria Handke , Monika Karasiewicz , Ewelina Chawłowska
European Journal of Health Policy, Humanization of Care and Medical Ethics
Dział: Articles


Introduction: The growing issue of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global problem and requires urgent action, including at the stage of primary healthcare (PHC). Objective: The goal of the study was to assess patients’  knowledge of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and patients’ attitudes toward antibiotic therapy.

Material and method: The study, using the survey method by means of a self-developed questionnaire, was  conducted among 110 residents of the Wielkopolskie province in 2022.

Results: As many as 76.4% of the respondents had not come across information about antibiotic resistance at any PHC facility. A high percentage of the respondents believed that antibiotics are effective against influenza (60%) and the common cold (31.8%). In total, 27.3% of the study group reported taking medication that they had left over after previous therapies. Only 50.9% of the respondents properly handled expired antibiotics. At least eight out of ten  respondents had not encountered any educational campaigns on the issue. Demographic factors do not  differentiate the responses to key questions on antibiotic protection.

Conclusions: The unsatisfactory knowledge in the patient population that frequently undergoes antibiotic therapy calls for more effective health education. The role of medical personnel and conditions in which educational  campaigns are more accessible is crucial.

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