Published: 2024-04-16

„Nie będziesz miał bogów cudzych przede Mną” (Wj 20,3). Przesłanie moralne kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, prymasa Polski

Andrzej Dziuba
Studia Prymasowskie
Section: Varia


The first commandment of the Decalogue faces the truth of God Himself. Man, by his very nature, even from the beginning of his conscious life carries the need to refer to God. He is recognized positively as God the Creator. Cardinal S. Wyszyński points out that from the beginning you must also see Him as a Father in Christ. In the context of this magnitude of God there also emerges, as said in the biblical description, the desire to deify man, so that human being wants to replace God. Subsequently, as the next step there come to deification of matter which is the negations of the commandment: not to have other gods. This way of thinking leads to the negation of God and the trust towards Him is seriously shaken. As the nest step there appear different forms of atheism. In turn, man begins to build a different concept of freedom and use it differently. People’s life according to the Decalogue is not an easy task. Many times a person has to overcome various temptations that pagan world offers, along with various transformations. And yet, different attitudes towards this phenomenon may lead to the maturity of faith.


Stefan Wyszyński, God, gods, Decalogue, commendment, atheism, Morale Message

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