Ethical Standards

The European Journal of Health Policy, Humanization and Medical Ethics takes copyright infringement, plagiarism and various offences related to good publication practices extremely seriously. The editors seek to protect the rights of authors and respond to accusations of plagiarism or illegal use of published articles. In doing so, we seek to protect the journal's reputation, which suffers from the use of improper practices. The journal reserves the right to take action in cases of the following bad practices:
- plagiarism of another work appears in a submitted article,
- the use of copyrighted material from a third party without that party's consent or without sufficient acknowledgement appears in a submitted article,
- the authorship of an article is called into question.
In such situations, the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Policy, Humanization of Care and Medical Ethics may respond by the following actions:
- publication of an errata or corrigenda,
- withdrawal of the article even after its publication,
- presenting the case to the authorities of the faculty or other institution to which the author is affiliated,
- take appropriate legal action.
The editors of the European Journal of Health Policy, Humanisation of Care and Medical Ethics introduce a barrage of ghostwriting and guest authorship. Ghostwriting is when someone has made a fundamental contribution to a publication without disclosing their participation as one of the authors or without mentioning their role in the acknowledgements included in the publication. Guest authorship is when an author's contribution is negligible or not made at all, but is nevertheless listed as an author or co-author of the publication. The journal's editors counter the phenomena mentioned by introducing the following measures:
- Authors of the article are required to disclose the contribution of the individual persons who contributed to the article submitted for publication (with their affiliation and specifying their contribution), and to provide information on the sources of funding for the research carried out in connection with its preparation by signing a declaration.
- The authors declare in a statement that the article submitted for publication has not been previously published and is not affected by legal flaws.
"The European Journal of Health Policy, Humanization of Care and Medical Ethics "caring for good solutions in the field of publication ethics is based on standards:
- Code of Ethics for Researchers, developed by the Commission for Ethics in Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Code of Ethics for Researchers).
- Committee on Publication Ethics - Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): (Promoting integrity in scholarly research and its publication).
- Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK - Elsevier: Publishing Ethics).

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