Opublikowane: 2024-08-07

Kobieta jako materia comica – polski ślad nowołacińskiej publicystyki z przełomu XVI i XVII wieku

Beata Gaj
Colloquia Litteraria


This article addresses the issue of the use of female themes in Renaissance journalism with a religious argument. To exemplify the issue, several examples were selected from the New-Latin literature of Silesia during the formative period of the Reformation. The most obvious example of the use of female themes was a work (allegedly) proving that women are not human, which caused quite a stir in Europe. This treatise was attributed to Valens Acidalius, who, however, in letters to friends that are not widely known, points to a Polish trace of the dispute’s origins. 

Słowa kluczowe:

komizm, kobieta jako temat literacki, publicystyka sporu religijnego, Hieronimus Arconatus, Johannes Cochlaeus, Acidalius Valens

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Zasady cytowania

Gaj, B. (2024). Kobieta jako materia comica – polski ślad nowołacińskiej publicystyki z przełomu XVI i XVII wieku. Colloquia Litteraria, 36(1), 7–21. https://doi.org/10.21697/cl.2024.36.1.1

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