Opublikowane: 2018-01-13

Wielopostaciowość sonetu w poezji Rafała Wojaczka

Zuzanna Guty
Colloquia Litteraria


This paper attempts to present four different variations of the sonnet form in the poetry of Rafał Wojaczek. Through the analysis of Wojaczek’s sonnets it identifies the following variations of the sonnet’s form: a graphic sonnet, a classic sonnet, a sonnet with a final couplet (dystych), a free sonnet. It uses archival sources. This paper argues for the vitality of some of the forms of Polish poetry after 1989, and particularly of free verse, making a classical sonnet alive again in multiple ways.

Słowa kluczowe:

Rafał Wojaczek, poezja XX wieku, genologia, sonet

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Zasady cytowania

Guty, Z. (2018). Wielopostaciowość sonetu w poezji Rafała Wojaczka. Colloquia Litteraria, 21(2), 81–101. https://doi.org/10.21697/cl.2016.2.6

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