
Call for papers


Dear Sirs and Madams,

we invite you to contribute to the thematic issue 2/2020 of"Colloquia Litteraria" entitled:


Mediterranean Tradition in Literature


The managing editors are prof. Raoul Bruni, Ph.D., prof. Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda, Ph.D., prof. Jerzy Sikora

Deadline for submission of texts: October 10, 2021.

The multicolored Mediterranean culture, encompassing parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, radiated throughout the ancient world and left its lasting imprint on many societies. It influenced and continues to influence mentality, language, socio-political relations, religion, philosophy - as evidenced by literature, among other things. The legacy of the ancient Jews, Greeks and Romans is present in the whole spectrum of literary genres, themes, motifs and styles.

We propose to consider the following:

  1. ancient literature: its literary forms, the issues addressed, the style of the authors;
  2. the Bible as a "Book over books";
  3. Mediterranean culture and other cultures;
  4. heritage of the past and mass culture; 5;
  5. the Mediterranean tradition and postmodernity; 6;
  6. reinterpretation proposals of the mediterranean tradition; 7;
  7. the axiological dimension of tradition; 8;
  8. the universalism of biblical toposes, e.g. "expulsion from paradise";
  9. the classical tradition present in the writings of various literary eras; 10. the culture-forming role of the Mediterranean
  10. the culture-forming role of memory.


"Colloquia Litteraria" is a scientific periodical, a semi-annual journal of literary studies, associated with the Faculty of Humanities at UKSW. They have been published since 2006 in the form of thematic issues devoted to various fields of literary studies and interdisciplinary issues. They are indexed in: BazHum, CEJSH - The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, IC Journals Master List, PBN - Polish Scientific Bibliography. The journal is trying to get on the Ministry's list of punctual journals. Thanks to the subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (in the framework of the module "Dissemination of Science") five special issues containing archival articles of "CL" translated into English were published.

We are waiting for the texts until October 10, 2021, and earlier, until July 30, 2021, please send the topic of the article and its formulation (about 1000 characters) in draft version. Texts in Polish, English and Italian are accepted. The submission should include the author's name, affiliation, email address, and ORCID number.

Information about the editorial requirements can be found on our website:

Please send submissions to:


prof. Raoul Bruni

prof. Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda

prof. Jerzy Sikora


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