Published: 2023-11-22

Przekład jako pole walki tradycji z nowoczesnością. Dopo il divorzio Grazii Deleddy w tłumaczeniu Wilhelminy Zyndram-Kościałkowskiej

Iwona Przybysz
Colloquia Litteraria


The article analyses strategies utilised by Wilhelmina Zyndram-Kościałkowska, a translator of the novel Dopo il divorzio by Grazia Deledda, to introduce Deledda’s works on the polish literary market. The text shows ways in which characteristics of Deledda’s works and Kościałkowska’s translation strategies serve to minimise the effect of foreignness and to present Deledda’s works as important argument in the polemics between the literary tradition and the modernity. In consequence, the Polish translation of Dopo il divorzio may be viewed as an act of an influence on a Polish literary system.


history of translation, critics of translation, reception of Italian literature,, literary tradition

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Przybysz, I. (2023). Przekład jako pole walki tradycji z nowoczesnością. Dopo il divorzio Grazii Deleddy w tłumaczeniu Wilhelminy Zyndram-Kościałkowskiej. Colloquia Litteraria, 34(1), 81–97.

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