Published: 2020-05-20

The Salvific Mission of the Holy Spirit according to the Pastoral Program of the Catholic Church in Poland in 2017-2019

Marian Kowalczyk
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


Referring to the pastoral program for the Church in Poland in 2017-
2019, an analysis of the publication of the pastoral committee of the Polish
Bishops’ Conference for pneumatology was carried out. It was demonstrated
that the pastoral program primarily focused on the presence of the Holy
Spirit in the life and mission of Jesus Christ in order to show the saving
influence of the Spirit on the human being. Also, the accurate presentation
of the salvific activity of the Holy Spirit in the community of God’s people
should be appreciated, especially in the sacraments (with special regard to
baptism and confirmation) and in charisms. However, the publication in
question results in some overemphasis on the flattering approach to the gifts
of the Holy Spirit and the depiction of the discernment of spirits. Moreover,
the discussion of temptations and criteria for their discernment, although
interesting, is not fully developed in view of the difficulties resulting from
the inability to precisely distinguish, in charisms, between what man
produces and what is the work of the Spirit that surpasses all cognitive
abilities. Therefore, apart from pointing out external and internal threats,
the program lacks bold references to increasing, far-reaching threats that
not only weaken faith, but are also dangerous to the very existence of man,
and thus may even lead to his diabolical destruction. Finally, there are few
references in the program to such important aspects of pneumatology such
as: the role of the Spirit in Mary’s maternal mission, the pursuit of Christian
unity, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and the realization of the
kingdom of God until its final fulfilment in the Parousia.

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Kowalczyk, M. (2020). The Salvific Mission of the Holy Spirit according to the Pastoral Program of the Catholic Church in Poland in 2017-2019. Collectanea Theologica, 90(1), 147–169.

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