Published: 2025-01-31

Digital religion - the new face of faith in the digital age

Łukasz Buksa
Section: Artykuły i rozprawy


The claim that digital technology is opening up new opportunities for modern man is currently inadequate. After less than three decades of digital (r)evolution, it must be said that technology has changed every sphere of human life at a dizzying pace - completely and irreversibly. It has left its mark on the lives of individuals and society, interpersonal interactions, communication, cognition and perception of the world, values, the way life needs are fulfilled, including religious ones. The latter has become the source of a phenomenon that American sociologists already gave the name “digital religion” two decades ago. It seems that the issue of digital religion has attracted too little attention of Polish researchers and is still waiting for in-depth analysis.


Digital religion, churching online, cyberculture

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