Published: 2023-02-03

Planning the pastoral activity of the Church

Jan Przybyłowski
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


The aim of this article is to present strategies and tactics of planning in pastoral practice. A very important role in pastoral planning (general and detailed) is played by evangelical realism, which points to eternal life as the most distant perspective of the work of salvation (pastoral future research). This ultimate goal of the Church is not subject to human influence, since divine Providence watches over the realization of the plan of salvation and ecclesial communion acts under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Since the Church lives in the world and fulfils her mission of salvation there, the results of theological research and the achievements of the laity must be included in the planning. This helps the Church to understand better the conditions under which she can fulfil her mission of salvation. In pastoral planning, the Church’s self-reflection also plays an important role in determining precisely what should remain intact in the Church and what should be renewed. Properly planned pastoral activity helps the Church to draw people to Christ and to support them on the path of faith that leads to eternal life.


planning, program, pastoral, Church

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Przybyłowski, J. (2023). Planning the pastoral activity of the Church. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 50(4), 39–56.

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