Published: 2023-11-15

The eschatological meaning of the present

Guennadi Romachko


In the article, the author raises the issue of “The eschatological meaning of the present”. to develop the topic, at the beginning, the way of living the present in ancient Israel is shown. This outlines a separate way of thinking, the Jews did not preserve history for its own sake, but made theological and didactic interpretations of selected historical events. Then the inauguration of the eschatological aeon is shown. Individual eschatology is of great theological importance in the Gospel of st. luke. You will have to answer to the lord for your earthly life. and earthly life is stressed by the conscious experience of the present moment, on which eternal life depends. The next step is to show the personalistic and existential aspects of eschatology. since life is something existential and present in the highest degree, salvation already has its present in this world, and it is in this world that the Christian must attain it. For the believer, eschatology takes place in the present, because in Christ he already participates in a new life. The moment that essentially creates time is the essential material of eternity. Then the ecclesial implications of the eschatological aspect of the present are shown. This has a deep dimension in the life of the Church, it is realized in the sacraments, the eucharist, the liturgy, and monastic life. The eschatological picture should constantly be the measure of the history of humanity. In the light of the presented considerations, the present has a deep eschatological dimension, and the awareness of this truth is the current way of living faith on a daily basis in the Church.


eschatology, realised eschatology, presens

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Romachko, G. (2023). The eschatological meaning of the present. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 53(3). Retrieved from

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