Published: 2023-11-15

The timeless teaching of the blessed Primate Stefan Wyszyński to the doctors

Sławomir Kielczyk


The aim of the article was to show the teaching of Primate Wyszyński to doctors. analyzing the political situation of Poland, the Primate was able to adequately react to existing or emerging phenomena, especially negative ones. Therefore, the Primate perceived the medical world as an important factor in building and positively influencing society. By undertaking systematic teaching to the medical world, the primate reminded the basic assumptions of the art of medicine – the defense and protection of human life, from conception to death. according to the Primate, the doctor must always consider the whole man as a body and soul being, as a child of God. He also reminded that a doctor is not a profession, but a vocation. The model for the doctor is to be Christ, who constantly takes pity on the people (cf. Mt 15:32). Finally, the doctor, through his ministry, can contribute significantly to the renewal of the nation. A well-formed doctor who understands the mission of his vocation has, in the opinion of the Primate, a significant contribution to restoring and building individual and community identity. The political situation of the time forced a decisive renewal of the Polish nation. Primate Wyszyński saw and understood this. Therefore, in this important process of national renewal, the medical world had to play a significant role. Primate Wyszyński’s words to doctors are timeless. today, too, courageous and decisive words are needed to persevere and fulfill a vocation: a vocation to humanity, a vocation to medicine, every vocation.


Primate Wyszyński, man, doctor, life, nation

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Kielczyk, S. (2023). The timeless teaching of the blessed Primate Stefan Wyszyński to the doctors. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 53(3). Retrieved from

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