Published: 2017-12-06

Theological bases of charity practice

Dariusz Lipiec
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


Charity practice, similarly to other forms of pastoral work of the Church, originates in God’s revelation and Magisterium ecclesiae. The article presents theological bases of the charity practice implemented in the community of the Church. At first, it presents the trinitarian origin of Christian love. It results from the mutual love of the Holy trinity and from the love which ey o er the man. Further on, there is an elaboration on the christological bases of charity practice. Is practice is based on the words and deeds of Christ and these result from His saving love. The pneumatological bases are built on the Christian ministry of love in the light of the Holy Spirit’s acting among the community of the faithful and in the lives of each of its members. The ecclesiological bases are connected with particular charity tasks and with the possibility to implement charity practice in ecclesial communities. 


charity work, the ministry of love, charity function, Christian love, theological bases of charity practice

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Lipiec, D. (2017). Theological bases of charity practice. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 3(36), 65–83.

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