Published: 2020-03-04

Pastoral ministry of the unemployed validity of the concept developed by archibishop Damian Zimoń

Pastoral ministry of the unemployed validity of the concept developed by archibishop Damian Zimoń

Bronisław Mierzwiński


The coronavirus pandemic surprised the whole contemporary world, hitting it very painfully. It has ruined the health of many people and caused millions of deaths. Resulting in the severe economic crisis in the prosperous countries, it has destroyed the economy of the poor countries. Poland has managed to survive the first phase of the pandemic. However, its current second phase generates new serious problems. The necessity of introducing lockdown would be a huge blow to the economy and the state budget, leading to radical increase of the unemployment. That would present urgent challenges for the pastoral ministry of the Church. Therefore, it is worth referring to the already tested solutions developed during the years of the high unemployment rates in Poland. The author of this article suggests turning towards the model of the pastoral attitude towards the problem of the unemployment developed by archbishop Damian Zimoń during his service in the Katowice Archdiocese (1985–2011). The idea he has developed was shaped in reference to the economic situation of the Upper Silesia region, where a severe crisis of the mining and steel industry appeared, leading to the serious increase of the unemployment rate. Analysis of this situation, conclusions drawn and suggested specific pastoral activities could refer to any region of Poland at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is worth making use of them today, taking into consideration the current situation, in order to reduce the social, economic and financial effects of the coronavirus pandemic. 

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Mierzwiński, B. (2020). Pastoral ministry of the unemployed validity of the concept developed by archibishop Damian Zimoń: Pastoral ministry of the unemployed validity of the concept developed by archibishop Damian Zimoń. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 2(48), 59–98. Retrieved from

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