Published: 2019-12-01

The teaching of pope Benedict XVI about the role of university in our society

Jolanta Kurosz


University is a place where we are searching for the truth and so that it is a place where there is a possibility of meeting science and culture. Nowadays, in times of socio-economic transformations we need some reflection about the place and the role of this institution in our society. Benedict XVI in his harangues to academia pointed the most important issues that should be factored in by university researchers. Respect to the human, cherishing the truth, freedom in scientific researches, following the essential universal values which are respected from the beginning of university, are the main points of the Pope’s message. On the other hand, being besotted with the new technology opportunities, losing ethical rules, decreasing the role of theology are the main dangers pointed by the pope.


Benedict XVI, university, mission, the truth, science, tradition, culture, the most important issues danger

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Kurosz, J. . (2019). The teaching of pope Benedict XVI about the role of university in our society. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 4(46), 7–24. Retrieved from

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