Published: 2019-09-10

The problem of the modern reception of the Eucharist reform after the Second Vatican Council

Krzysztof Mętlewicz


The Second Vatican Council wanted to renew the liturgy of the Mass so that all the faithful could participate in it in a full, conscious and active way. That is why the first reform undertaken was a liturgical renewal. The changes introduced by the Council Fathers, however, went a long way of theorizing, which forgot about proper education and catechism of the faithful to participate in the Holy Mass. The result of this is the insignificant liturgical formation and the lack of catechesis at the parish. The author tries to discuss this problem and indicate the directions in which the Church should go in today’s world.

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Mętlewicz, K. (2019). The problem of the modern reception of the Eucharist reform after the Second Vatican Council. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 3(45), 53–35. Retrieved from

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