Published: 2019-04-06

Formation of adults in the face of the crisis of faith

Wiesław Przygoda


The crisis of Christian faith in Europe is still growing. The lifestyle as if God did not exist is also spread in Poland through emigration and high mobility of Poles. At present, the deep or at least moderate crisis of faith affects more than a half of the baptized Poles and this is a great challenge for the Church. The aim of this article is to answer the question how can the Church in Poland help adult Christians in the process of upholding and then developing the weakening faith? The author presents the symptoms of the crisis of faith in Poland and then the pastoral proposals aimed at strengthening the faith of adult Poles. One of the methods of revitalizing the faith of adults is pre-evangelization. Referring to the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI, the author presents three main ways of seeking God by nonbelievers: contemplating the beauty of the world, discovering the traces of God in man and the witness of the life of believers. In the last part of the article, the author points to old and new forms of evangelization. The paper is a review and its main source is the Magisterium of the contemporary Church and selected studies of Polish theologians.


adult, formation of the laity, faith, crisis of faith, pre-evangelization, evangelization, witness of faith

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Przygoda, W. (2019). Formation of adults in the face of the crisis of faith. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 2(44), 45–65. Retrieved from

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