Published: 2019-04-18

Transformation of religiosity in the age of adolescence as the pastoral challenge of the Church in Poland

Michał Staniszewski


The recent Fifteenth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the, “Youth, faith and vocation discernment”, lasted from 3rd to 28th October 2018 and referred very extensively to the youth’s problem they encounter on the matter of faith and the recognition of their vocation in the CatholicChurch. The final document of the synod was based on the fragment of Gospel about the revelation of Christ arisen and Apostles when going from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus. This Gospel depiction was acknowledged to have been proper in order to show the way of a contemporary young man in relation to Christ, faith and Church. Among those many questions and problems, especially, the participation of young people in the Church and their rift between spirituality and religiousness seem to be important issues. Searching for the answer why this happens, it is necessary to examine the earlier stages of young man’s development. This study means to recognize and explain the changes of religiousness among young people when coming of age at a close school and a parish circle. Distinct religious crisis among adolescents is proved by the results of a survey, which concerns all its questions. Moreover, there is the apparent decrease in the number of churchgoers with age, in saying a prayer, in using devotional items, including, medallions, small crosses or a cross and a religious picture hanging in a room. Furthermore, there is a low frequency of people going to confession, which has become apparent, but it is not so low as other religious observances. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary for parishes to form religious communities in which children and young people, supporting by priests, can learn the Church’s teachings gradually. Main Church’s aim, reminded by the synod, is to make a young man find Jesus Christ, like Apostles, who recognized Him by breaking bread in the village of Emmaus. Preventing young people from renouncing faith at the beginning of adulthood, they do not need to be converted later.

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Staniszewski, M. (2019). Transformation of religiosity in the age of adolescence as the pastoral challenge of the Church in Poland. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 2(44), 91–119. Retrieved from

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