Published: 2021-08-27

Language in the service of ideological and political struggle. Instrumentalization of the term Islamophobia

Piotr Ślusarczyk
Section: Articles


The text analyses the term of Islamophobia in the political, social and scientific discourse. It integrates contributions from the fields of political scien­ce of religion, linguistic pragmatics and social communication to prove that in various contexts the term “Islamophobia” is deprived of a cognitive value due to its ambiguity, semantic imbalance and pejorative character. Author investigates the problem of institutionalization of the term “Islamophobia”.

In the context of international practice, the Author indicates that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation aims to strengthen the prohibition of “discrediting Islam” in the United Nations and the European Union. He analyzes the use of the term by the authoritarian regime of R. Erdogan. The background for the reflection is the following axiological issues: freedom of speech, separation of religion and state, the right to criticize social manifestations of religiosity and the Islamic social doctrine.


Islam, Islamophobia, linguistic manipulation, freedom of speech

Citation rules

Ślusarczyk, P. (2021). Language in the service of ideological and political struggle. Instrumentalization of the term Islamophobia. Christianity-World-Politics, (25).

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