Opublikowane: 2019-04-15

Podstępne wprowadzenie w błąd (kan. 1098 KPK) w opublikowanych orzeczeniach Roty Rzymskiej z lat 2010-2012

Wojciech Góralski
Ius Matrimoniale
Dział: Orzecznictwo sądowe


The subject of this study is the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota Court regarding deceptive misleading (canon 1098 CIC) from 2010-2012, contained in Decisione seu sententiae. During this period, the title of marriage annulment was included in twelve judgments; ten of them have been published.

The analysis of rotating sentences was presented in the following thematic areas: deceptive misleading as a factor protecting marriage consent; deceptive action; error as a result of deception; the attribute of a person as an object of deceptive action (in genere and in individual judgments); deceptio dolosa prove.

Undoubtedly, the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota also provides for the area of ​​deceptive misleading, the appropriate point of reference in the resolution of nullitatis matrimonii cases by church tribunals of lower degrees of jurisdiction.

Słowa kluczowe:

podstępne wprowadzenie w błąd, podstęp, błąd, przymiot osoby, wyrok

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Góralski, W. (2019). Podstępne wprowadzenie w błąd (kan. 1098 KPK) w opublikowanych orzeczeniach Roty Rzymskiej z lat 2010-2012. Ius Matrimoniale, 30(2), 95–131. https://doi.org/10.21697/im.2019.30.2.06

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