Published: 2024-09-02

A poster as a medium for fighting for women's rights in Switzerland

Justyna Krauze-Pierz
Section: Artykuły i rozprawy


In the first half of the 20th century, when women in most European countries were equated with men in civil rights, obtained electoral rights, and thus could participate in elections to state bodies and participate in political life, in Switzerland - the cradle of modern European democracy - it was fully in force a different concept of the role of a woman, which was mainly based on motherhood, the role of a mother, and responsibilities related to the upbringing and care of children. In the 1920s and 1930s, when their female colleagues in Germany and Austria fully exercised their electoral rights, Swiss women waged a futile struggle for women's rights and against their patriarchal dominated social position. The purpose of this article is to find an answer to the question why women's demands in Switzerland were met so late, this search focusing on the medium through which both opponents and advocates of women's suffrage expressed their views on the active participation of women in politics and its consequences for the family and, more broadly, society, and this medium was the poster.


women's rights in Switzerland, election poster, motherhood in Switzerland, women's suffrage

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