The article discusses the Wilamów riots that took place on December 31, 1956-January 3, 1957 in Wilamów (Poddębice County, Łódź Voivodeship). The riots were a political incident heavily exploited by communist propaganda, presented as society's opposition to the nationalization of industrial factories. The subject of the dispute was the (as it later turned out to be illegal) nationalization of a motor mill belonging to the Pelc family. The changes of October 1956 raised hopes for the return of smaller factories to private hands. Bolesław Pelc began efforts to recover his lost property, i.e. the mill and sawmill. Unfortunately, these efforts did not bring positive results and ended with his stay in prison. The rebellion of the inhabitants of Wilamów and the surrounding area against Pelc's arrest showed that social resistance against the communist system was very strong not only among workers, but also among peasants.