Published: 2024-01-11

Podstawowe elementy analizy pojęcia „lichwy” w ujęciu ks. prof. Józefa Majki

Adam Kucharski
Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego
Section: Articles


The subject of the article is to analyze, to a basic extent, selected elements of the usury definition, with particular emphasis on the perspective presented by priest professor Józef Majka. To achieve this result, we need to perform a brief presentation of the history of the approach to usury with a simultaneous emphasis on the importance of research carried out in this area by priest Majka.
The aforementioned author emphasized the importance of distance to the contemporary interpretation of this concept and the need to distinguish between variable elements and permanent pillars of the moral approach to what historically was called usury. The prerequisite for such analysis is to strictly define concepts and categories. Ultimately, only the location for th e usury term in the area of ethical concepts, allows its proper definition and perception of its true core of meaning.

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Kucharski, A. (2024). Podstawowe elementy analizy pojęcia „lichwy” w ujęciu ks. prof. Józefa Majki. Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego, 16(1), 75–84.

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