Published: 2017-09-28

The acquisition of power over the wife by her husband in the way of usus

Magdalena Chmielecka
"Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów i Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UKSW
Section: Artykuły


The article concerns the issue of acquisition of power over the wife by her husband in the way of usus, so by the kind of "limitation", in Ancient Roman Law. The article explains the meaning of usus as one of three ways of entry the wife under the husband's power and the orgin of the institution. The main problems disscussed in the article are the begining and the end of the course of usus and - at the same time - getting wife under the manus of husband. Despite the fact marriage is factual state and manus is legal state both those terms depend on date of marriage. The article disscusses also the discontinuing the course of limitation, mainly usurpatio trinoctii.

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Chmielecka, M. (2017). The acquisition of power over the wife by her husband in the way of usus. "Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów I Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa I Administracji UKSW, (3), 107–120.

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