Published: 2018-05-05

Restrictions on the turnover of agricultural land in the light of selected case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Jakub Pietrzak
"Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów i Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UKSW
Section: Artykuły


The article aims to present issues of limitations in the field of agricultural real estate. It contains an analysis of selected case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The author presents the statements of the EU judicature regarding: the meaning of the term "restrictions" in the free movement of capital, imperative requirements, rules for determining the essence of property rights in the Member States, and restrictions on trade in agricultural
real estate. The cited case-law of the Court contains the conditions that a Member State must fulfill to restrict the free movement of capital in accordance with Union law.

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Pietrzak, J. (2018). Restrictions on the turnover of agricultural land in the light of selected case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. "Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów I Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa I Administracji UKSW, (2), 59–73.

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