Pubblicato il: 2020-06-07

Conclusion of Marriage by Proxy in the internal Law of Churches and other Religious Associations, Studi giuridici, t. CXXIII, (red.) L. świto, M. Tomkiewicz, Libreria Editrice vaticana, Città del vaticano 2018, ss. 212.

Roman Szewczyk

Regole di citazione

Szewczyk, R. (2020). Conclusion of Marriage by Proxy in the internal Law of Churches and other Religious Associations, Studi giuridici, t. CXXIII, (red.) L. świto, M. Tomkiewicz, Libreria Editrice vaticana, Città del vaticano 2018, ss. 212. Prawo Kanoniczne, 63(2), 199–210. Recuperato da

