Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2025-02-27
The Polish Review of International and European Law has been published regularly since 2011, and since 2021 it has been included in the ministerial list of scored journals (currently 40 points).
The Polish Review of International and European Law aims primarily at the presentation and promotion of the research results of Polish science in the field of international and European law. The journal is also open to representatives of the doctrine from other countries, and its aim is to include foreign doctrine of international and European law in the scientific discourse and to promote foreign scientific centres.
The Polish Review of International and European Law covers various fields of international law, both public and private, and European Union law. We are aware of the interdependence of different levels of legal regulation in the modern world, which indicates the flexibility of the limits of internationalization of modern law.
The Polish Review of International and European Law publishes studies and articles, case law commentaries, Polish law practice and book reviews.
The Polish Review of International and European Law is indexed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Index Copernicus International and BazHum.
The original version is the paper version.
Articles published in the quarterly are available in open access (OA).Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Texts can be submitted to the Editorial Board by e-mail (k.maslo@uksw.edu.pl); the author can also register with the journal or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
Are you interested in reviewing texts in this journal? We recommend familiarizing yourself with the content of the 'About the Journal' page, where necessary information is provided. Then, please register on the journal's website. In the registration form, please select the option: 'Yes, send a request to grant the role: Reviewer'. If you already have a user account in this system, you can expand your permissions to include the role of a reviewer in the editing of your profile. A request to review a specific article will be sent to you via email.
Call for Papers: The principle of non-intervention | Polish Review of International and European Law (Vol. 14, no 2, 2025)
PRIEL has been accepted into Scopus. Scopus reviewers have given PRIEL a very positive assessment, considering it a "well-focused journal on international law".
Call for Papers
Vol. 13, no 1, 2024
Deadline for submissions: 1st June 2024
The Polish Review of International and European Law invites submissions for an issue on self-determination of peoples in the context of contemporary international developments.