Przesyłanie tekstów

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie, czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych, mogą zostać odrzucone.

Wytyczne dla autorów

The submission should be accompanied by an abstract (150-200 words) and a list of keywords (3-5). The Author should also indicate his/her affiliation.



An article may be divided into sections, subsections and sub-subsections, in a numerical order using the Arabic numerals (eg. 1. Sources of international law, 1.1. Custom, 1.1.1. State practice). Only initial word and proper names in words should be capitalized.


1) Quotations of fewer than 40 words are to be included in the main text, between single quotation marks.

2) Longer quotations should begin on a new line, without quotations marks, and be indented from both sides in order to separate it from the main text.

3) Any change in the quoted text should be put between square brackets. Quotations should always be followed by a footnote with a reference to the source. To add specific emphasis to part of the quoted text, this should be done by the use of bold type, and '(emphasis added)' should be added to the source note.


The following should be italicized both in the main text and in footnotes: 1) Case names and all procedural phases (in re, ex parte etc.), 2) Words or phrases in Latin or other languages than English.


All abbreviations should be spelt out on the first use with the abbreviation given immediately following in parentheses. Acronyms and lettered abbreviations will be rendered with no stops.

Articles as parts of legal acts should be written without abbreviating the word ‘Article’, and using brackets to indicate paragraphs, subparagraphs etc, without spaces between brackets, e.g. ‘Article XXI(b)(iii)’, ‘Article 1(6)(b) and (c)’.


Use the form day-month-year, with the month spelled out starting with a capital letter, e.g. ‘2 November 2002’.



Footnotes indicating literature references (books, book chapters and journals) should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17 – Shortened note, as laid out at:

Each reference to literature should be included in the bibliography at the end of the text.

Superscript footnote numbers should follow the punctuation mark,

e.g. ‘Quotation.1’, not ‘Quotation1.’




Monograph (Author, Abbreviated Title in Italics, page number):

Sharpe, European Judge after Lisbon, 20.


Referring to material in a source just mentioned (refers to the immediately preceding reference):

Sharpe, ibid.


Referring to a source, the details of which have been given:

Kowalski, EU law, 30 (please note: the “op. cit.” abbreviation shall not be used)


Journal article (Author, “Abbreviated Title without Italics in Quotation Marks”, page number):

Gómez, “Rethinking”, 563.


Chapter of an edited book (Author, “Abbreviated Title without Italics in Quotation Marks”, page number):

Monar, “The European Union as a Collective Actor”, 33.


Footnotes indicating court cases:

International Courts Cases

Full case name, Phase, Kind and date of decision, publication, paragraph (or page if not applicable).

E.g. ‘Armed activities on the territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Ruanda), Merits, ICJ judgment of 3 February 2006, ICJ Reports 2006, para. 1.’


Court of Justice of the EU Cases

Case number, case name, ECLI, paragraph.

e.g. ‘C-262/88 Barber, ECLI:EU:C:1990:209, para. 20.’


European Court of Human Rights Cases

Full case name, application number, kind and date of decision, ECHR, paragraph.

E.g. ‘Al-Adsani v. United Kingdom, no. 35763/97, judgment of 21 November 2001, para. 1’.



Citations to national legislation, EU Directives, UN Resolutions, etc. should follow the format recommended by the entity responsible for the measure cited.



Each text should be accompanied by a list of bibliographic references, which should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17, as laid out at:




Monograph (Surname, Name. Full Title in Italics. Place of publication: Publisher, Year).

Sharpe, Thomas. European Judge after Lisbon: Euro Evening; the Duties of Cooperation of National Courts under European Union Law. London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, 2012.


Journal article (Surname, Name. “Full Title without Italics in Quotation Marks.” Journal’s title  in Italics volume number, issue number (year in brackets): the page range for the whole article.

Gómez, Katia Fach. “Rethinking the Role of Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration: How To Draw the Line Favorably for the Public Interest.” Fordham International Law Journal 35, no. 2 (2012): 510-564.


Chapter of an edited book (Surname, Name, “Chapter’s Title without Italics in Quotation Marks.” In Book Title in Italics, edited by Full Name of an Editor, the page range for the chapter. Place of publication: Publisher, Year).

Monar, Jörg. “The European Union as a Collective Actor in the Fight against Post-9/11 Terrorism: Progress and Problems of a Primarily Cooperative Approach.” In Fresh Perspectives on the ‘War on Terror’, edited by Miriam Gani and Penelope Mathew. Canberra: ANU E Press, 2008.


We encourage the Authors to use reference managers with the following Chicago style installed:

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