
Call for Papers


Call for Papers

Vol. 13, no 1, 2024

Deadline for submissions: 1st June 2024

The Polish Review of International and European Law invites submissions for an issue on self-determination of peoples in the context of contemporary international developments.

The principle self-determination of peoples is one of the established principles of international law. Although the principle has been enshrined in several international instruments, most notably the United Nations Charter, it has been defined in a rather imprecise manner. As a result, there exists some tension between the principle of self-determination of peoples and the other fundamental principles, in particular territorial integrity and the non-intervention.

Furthermore, the current practice suggest the need to evaluate the application of the principle of self-determination in connection with inter alia other issues such as:

  • self-determination supported by third states and international organizations;
  • self-determination and occupation and secession;
  • self-determination and racial discrimination;
  • use and abuse of the right of self-determination by peoples and states;
  • right of self-determination as an ius cogens norm and generating erga omnes obligations;
  • right to self-determination and the obligation not to recognise an illegal situation resulting from that right and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining that situation;
  • right to self-determination and economic development including disposal of wealth and natural resources of the occupied territory.

The issue will be published in July 2024. The issue will be edited by Professor Cezary Mik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland).

Formal aspects (requirements):

1)        The submission should be accompanied by an abstract (150-200 words) and a list of keywords (3-5).

2)        The Author should indicate his/her affiliation.

3)        Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space between lines 1,0 throughout the manuscript (including all quotations, endnotes and references).

4)        Footnote citation (author-date will be rejected without review);

5)        Reference list at the end;

6)        5-25 pages, including the reference list at the end.

Link: https://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/index.php/priel/about/submissions.

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