
Forthcoming Issue 2/2017


Table of contents of forthcoming issue 2/2017

I Articles
Elżbieta Hanna Morawska, The protection against expulsion in the law of European Convention on Human Rights
Marek Jaśkowski, Administrative Acts of the European Union
Łukasz Kułaga, Space Mining Governance from the Perspective of International Consultations with regard to Marine Genetic Resources and the Multilateralism-Unilateralism Dichotomy – Preliminary Considerations 

II Case comments
Łukasz Stępkowski, The judgment of the Court of Justice in C-526/14 Tadej Kotnik and Others v Državni zbor Republike Slovenije and permissibility of granting State aid to financial institutions

III Reviews
Grażyna Baranowska, Enforced Disappearences in Europe. The Shaping of International Standards of Preventing and Enforcing State Responsibility), Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2017, 267 pp., ISBN 978-83-255-9340-7
Przemysław Domagała, International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. A Polish Perspective, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2017, 487 pp., ISBN 978-83-255-9659-0

IV What’s new

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