The article is based on some remarks on the tradition of the so-called Viennese School of International Law analysed by its main historical stages of evolution from its beginnings until today. The Viennese School is presently one of the world’s oldest professional schools in international law. It was and is represented by highly reputable scholars with outstanding achievements. Their determination for teaching, research, including an excellent publication record and its international reputation has a special focus on has a multidisciplinary nature. These are the main parameters of this School. The sources of research are fields related to the legal sciences, especially of the history of teaching and research of international law in Vienna, international relations, sociology and, above all, philosophy. Thus, the School has been valued throughout the world by many scholars of other different schools. The community combining contemporary and modern lawyers, followers and supporters of the Viennese School of International Law, has never had the same interests or common beliefs. However, they share a common method of theoretical thinking and common methodological approaches in the field of international law. Therefore, today the main task of dealing with the objective of the Viennese School of International Law is primarily to strive to understand international law as a separate kind of normative order in a multidisciplinary context.
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