Opublikowane: 2017-07-06

The Ukrainian Crisis: A Test for International Law?

Marcin Marcinko , Bartosz Rogala
Polish Review of International and European Law
Dział: Studies


The ongoing conflict in Ukraine raises significant questions related to the fundamental features of international law. The chief concern is the efficacy of the said legal order as well as territorial integrity and right to self determination. Since the political crisis has led to a military clash, so-called hybrid warfare and the rules on occupation are also discussed. It seems the current geopolitical scene has led to what some perceive as a watering down of the rules of international law and further exposure of the flaws of the UN. International law, however, despite its shortcomings and limitations, still offers valid solutions to the international community as a way to solve not only the discussed conflict, but also many others.

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Marcinko, M., & Rogala, B. (2017). The Ukrainian Crisis: A Test for International Law?. Polish Review of International and European Law, 5(1), 37–71. https://doi.org/10.21697/priel.2016.5.1.02

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