Opublikowane: 2020-01-06

The Situation of Migrant Women in the light of the (Draft) Reform of CEAS

Magdalena Półtorak
Polish Review of International and European Law
Dział: Artykuły


The purpose of this paper is to outline a framework of the Common European Asylum System reform taking into consideration the gender perspective as a point of reference. Migrant women are disproportionately more likely to be exposed to different forms of violence (also sexual and gender based), so it is worth examining whether their specific situation and needs have been taken into account also within ongoing and forced by current migration crisis (draft) reform of the CEAS. In order to show its potential influence first of all the proposals directly related to the standards of treatment and rights for asylum seekers (as Regulation replacing the Asylum Procedure Directive, Regulation replacing the Qualification Directive and the reformed Reception Conditions Directive) were investigated. Nevertheless, the Author has also paid some attention on the other elements of “third asylum package” (as EUAA Regulation).

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Półtorak, M. (2020). The Situation of Migrant Women in the light of the (Draft) Reform of CEAS. Polish Review of International and European Law, 7(2), 147–172. https://doi.org/10.21697/priel.2018.7.2.03

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