Published: 2024-12-30

Rîb as a Legal Procedure for Restoring Justice

“Come now, let us reason together" (rîb), says the Lord”. (Isaiah 1:18a)

Cezary Korzec
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


The article Rîb as a Legal Procedure for Restoring Justice analyzes the biblical concept of the rîb procedure as a tool for restoring justice, both in legal and theological contexts. The author highlights that rîb transcends the judicial system by focusing on interpersonal relationships and community bonds. The stages of the procedure—accusation, defense, and reconciliation—are discussed, showing how they lead to the restoration of relationships and forgiveness. The central role in rîb is played by ties resulting from covenants, as well as the personal responsibility of both the accuser and the accused. Rîb is presented as a dynamic process combining justice, love, and truth, in contrast to formal judicial verdicts. The article emphasizes the contemporary relevance of this procedure as a model for repairing relationships, while also showcasing its theological significance in the relationship between God and humanity.


• rîb, biblical justice, restoration of justice, covenant, reconciliation, forgiveness, Old Testament

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Korzec, C. (2024). Rîb as a Legal Procedure for Restoring Justice: “Come now, let us reason together" (rîb), says the Lord”. (Isaiah 1:18a). Gdańsk Studies, 55, 7–20.

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