Published: 2019-09-01

The Underscored Exodus Motif in Mk 6,45-52

Jacek Stefański
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Saint Mark uses the Exodus motif in his Gospel to show the connection between various events in the life of Jesus, Moses and the people of Israel from their time in Egypt until the end of their sojourn in the desert. The episode of Christ walking on the waters of the Sea of Galilee contains various details unique to Mark’s Gospel which can be better explained when placed in the context of the Old Testament Exodus event. This is made especially clear when various Greek expressions in Mk 6,45-52 are examined in light of both the Septuagint and selected translations of the New Testament into Hebrew. Details which would be otherwise difficult to explain – such as the Lord passing the Apostles by on the lake – become better understood in light of the Exodus event in its various stages in the Old Testament.


Exodus, Mana, walking on the lake, signs, hardened heart

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Stefański, J. (2019). The Underscored Exodus Motif in Mk 6,45-52. Gdańsk Studies, 44, 29–47.

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