Published: 2021-03-06

The Message of the Priestly Holiness of Servant of God Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński

Ireneusz Werbiński
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


John Paul II in his homilies delivered during canonizations often pointed out that, although the saints and their earthly lives pass away physically, their existential and spiritual message remains. With hindsight, it seems that the thoughts of the Primate of the Millennium have a still greater power and eloquence than in the times when they were pronounced by him. Among many initiatives undertaken by Wyszyński, his concern for the spiritual formation of priests was one of the priorities. As a keen observer of life, he realized that the faith of the Polish people, much more than in Western European countries, was organically associated with the faith of their priests. Currently some media portray the image of a Polish priest very negatively. This is especially true of the film Kler (2018 Polish feature film directed by Wojciech Smarzowski), and even more of Tylko nie mów nikomu (Only Don’t Tell Anyone), the Polish documentary of 2019 directed by Tomasz Sekielski. Priest-witnesses, of whom Servant of God Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński was undoubtedly one, can be a counterweight to such negative images of the priesthood. This article presents the message of the priestly holiness of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. It shows the holiness of God, who wants to bestow this holiness on man, which is why the first point concerns the need for the priest to be united with God. The whole life of the Primate of the Millennium is closely united with the person of Mary, therefore the second point presents the Marian dimension of priestly holiness. The third point presents testimony as a sign of the credibility of holiness. Priestly holiness should have a reference to pastoral ministry, which is why the fourth point shows selected areas of the pastoral dimension of holiness: involvement in the life of the Church, celebration of the Eucharist and the ministry of the Word of God.


God, Mary, Cardinal Wyszyński, Church, holiness, testimony, pastoral work

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Werbiński, I. (2021). The Message of the Priestly Holiness of Servant of God Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. Gdańsk Studies, 46, 67–81.

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