Published: 2021-03-06

A spiritual man in the works of Father Prof. Ireneusz Werbiński

Włodzimierz Gałązka
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Fr Ireneusz Werbiński starts from an anthropological foundation, defining a person as a human being who is exactly what the Creator predicted for him. These characteristics define a bodily person whose aim should be a spiritual man. The development of a human being and the fulfilment of life's tasks defined by him begin with the knowledge and formation of oneself - his personal qualities. This is the very awakening of faith leading to a living relationship with God. The spirituality properly experienced," indicates Fr Werbiński, "should integrate all dimensions of a person: biological, mental and spiritual.The whole process of spiritual formation of man has a significant impact on the creation and consolidation the image of God in him. In order to read the correct image of man's spirituality in his process of striving for holiness, we should first of all take from the Bible, whose source is God.The truths revealed in it indicate that the personal nature of human holiness comes from the personal nature of God.


Spiritual man, bodily man, anthropological foundation, spiritual development, spirituality, innate dispositions

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Gałązka, W. (2021). A spiritual man in the works of Father Prof. Ireneusz Werbiński. Gdańsk Studies, 46, 209–220.

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