Published: 2021-12-16

Food and Spirituality: Contemplation of God's Love While Eating

Ivan Platovnjak
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


How are food and spirituality connected? How can food and the time we eat help us to live more integrally in a deeper personal relationship with God and also with ourselves, other people, food and all creation? How can we live Christian spirituality more integrally through food? In this article, the author attempts to answer these and other questions that arise in relation to food. First, he describes his personal experience with food. Then he presents an understanding of food in the light of Scripture and the Eucharist. In the second chapter he shows the importance of prayer before eating and the blessing of food, and what we can do to make the whole time of eating a time of deeper encounter with God and his self-giving love. In the last chapter, he shows a practical exercise of contemplation of God's love while we eat, which can help us to become more and more like God, who also gives himself for us through food.


food, eating, God's love, contemplation, prayer, spirituality

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Platovnjak, I. (2021). Food and Spirituality: Contemplation of God’s Love While Eating. Gdańsk Studies, 48, 81–92.

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