Published: 2021-12-17

The Life and Role of the Prophet Abraham in Islam and the Differences in the Portrayal of Abraham’s Life in the Book of Genesis and the Quran

Kamil Kubiak
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


The article discusses the figure of Abraham, who is an important prophet of the world's great monotheistic religions. The article focuses on the perspective of Islam. The perspective of this religion and its holy book - Quran is shown. The discussion begins by showing the position of the Quran and the uniqueness of this Holy Book in comparison to the position of other Holy Books in their religions. Next, the role of prophets in Islam is presented and the figure of Abraham as a prophet of this religion is discussed. After discussing Abraham from the perspective of the Quran, significant differences and similarities between the Quran and the Book of Genesis in portraying the figure of this prophet are gathered and presented.


Abraham, Islam, prophet

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Kubiak, K. (2021). The Life and Role of the Prophet Abraham in Islam and the Differences in the Portrayal of Abraham’s Life in the Book of Genesis and the Quran. Gdańsk Studies, 49, 161–175.

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