Published: 2021-12-17

“A Solemn Sabbath for the Earth” (Leviticus 25:4) as an Element of the Ecological Message of the Bible

Andrzej Najda
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Taking up ecological issues, Francis makes an “urgent appeal” to engage in dialogue on the ways of building the future of the planet and proposes an “integral ecology”. The origins of ecology understood in this way are to be found in the Bible. Created in the image and likeness of God, man receives the task of prudently ruling over the world, which he should respect and care for. An expression of this care is the celebration of the sabbatical year during which man, animals, the earth, gardens and vineyards rest.


ecology, Bible, sabbatical year

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Najda, A. (2021). “A Solemn Sabbath for the Earth” (Leviticus 25:4) as an Element of the Ecological Message of the Bible. Gdańsk Studies, 49, 11–21.

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