Published: 2022-12-30

Jews as Refugees and Newcomers in Egypt. The Question of Egyptian Resentments

Rafał Nakonieczny
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


This article presents the problem of migration on the historical example of Jewish settlement in Egypt in Pharaonic and Ptolemaic times. The history of Israel shows Egypt as a willingly chosen place of refuge or voluntary migration in order to improve one's life situation. The papyri discovered and read so far allow to reconstruct the social situation in the context of Egyptian-Jewish relations. They were often correct and even so close that there were mixed marriages and the adoption of certain customs (perhaps also religious) by Jews. Egyptian resentment, on the other hand, probably had its intellectual source among the Egyptian elite, mainly priests. They created an anti-Jewish narrative, kept it in the minds of the Egyptians, and used it at opportune moments to incite riots against the Jews. The anti-Jewish message was also preserved in Egyptian literature. There are many indications, however, that the definitely anti-Jewish topoi were the result of deliberate editing of the text.



Egypt, Alexandria, diaspora, Old Testament, syncretism, social relations

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Nakonieczny, R. (2022). Jews as Refugees and Newcomers in Egypt. The Question of Egyptian Resentments. Gdańsk Studies, 51, 101–111.

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