Published: 2023-12-19

The teaching of Francis and Benedict XVI on charitable service and its implementation in Poland in the light of diocesan synodal syntheses

Jarosław Pakuła
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


The charitable service of the Church, as Benedict XVI teaches, belongs to its nature and essence. It results from the experience of God’s love, which affects believers in such a way that they want to share it with everyone. This way of understanding caritas is confirmed in the diocesan syntheses of the synod on synodality, which emphasize the importance of bearing witness to the fidelity of the Gospel through the witness of love. An important task remains to form believers who will be able to live in the experience of God’s love and thus share it with others.

The impact of the teaching and testimony of Pope Francis on God’s mercy is reflected in the diocesan synods of the synod on synodality. For the participants, he is a model of service to the poor. And his teaching constantly motivates to engage in helping those in need.

In the areas of charitable service noted by the syntheses, it is extremely valuable to engage in the diocesan stage of the poor themselves, who expressed their gratitude for the charitable service of the Church.
The analysis of diocesan syntheses in the context of charity service indicates the following tasks: building a space for dialogue with marginalized people, integration of parish communities in charity service, family, seniors, people with disabilities and formation of candidates for the priesthood.


charity, caritas, mercy, synod on synodality, diocesan syntheses

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Pakuła, J. (2023). The teaching of Francis and Benedict XVI on charitable service and its implementation in Poland in the light of diocesan synodal syntheses. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 54(4), 23–56.

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