Published: 2024-08-19

Faith in the diocesan stage of the synodal journey

Jarosław Pakuła
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


The diocesan stage of the synod on synodality was to gather the views of the participants through a consultation process. The way they understand faith is also distinguished from the content of diocesan syntheses. Faith in them is seen as a relationship with Jesus, which is confirmed by the experience of intimacy with Him through the Eucharist, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and listening to and meditation on the Word of God. The ecclesial dimension of faith is also emphasized in the analysis of individual syntheses. Because it is in the Church that faith is transmitted and deepened through the proclamation of the Word of God, prayer, liturgy, testimony, dialogue and works of charity. A positive and negative image of the Church was also noticed. Pointing to concrete measures to heal difficulties and strengthen what is good. Participants of the diocesan stage notice the relationship between faith and love. It always takes its shape in a specific community of believers. Therefore, it implies going out to all people who need help. In experiencing faith in everyday life, the value of evangelization and its transmission in families was also emphasized. In connection with faith and the future, the need for formation and increasing awareness of the Church community about the value of interpersonal relations was emphasized. The future of faith is related to hope, the understanding of which has failed to understand its fulfillment in eternal life.


faith, diocesan stage, synodality, synod, relationship with Jesus, Church, community, everyday life, love, future, hope

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Pakuła, J. (2024). Faith in the diocesan stage of the synodal journey. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 56(2), 7–43.

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