Published: 2017-12-06

Osoba formatora w procesie interioryzacji wartości z uwzględnieniem aspektów dynamiki obecności i nieobecności

Artur Stepień
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


 The formator for today is one who is capable of serving the other, so that all together become better human beings. That both the candidates and the formators are children of today’s society and that both inherit not only the strong points but also the weak points of all that goes on around them. The formator has to be suficiently good, that means, he/she has to be ready and capable of responding to the needs of the one in formation with a presence, but also capable of allowing a su cient space to experience need, and that does not transform itself into a situation of deprivation. It is precisely at this point that once more the game of presence and absence comes to the fore, in the sense of satisfaction and frustration. ese elements should be present in the formative relationship in order that the candidate has the possibility to feel secure, and at the same time encouraged to seek answers to the questions that he/she carries within themselves. Thee one who accompanies has to know how to fluctuate between fullness (presence) and privation (absence) in his/her way of accompaniment. It is not good if the formator does not arrive to be su ciently other in a way of self-opposition and to assume the role of a limit, that is at the same time a challenge to overcome and an invitation to transcendence. 


formation, personality integration, formative relationship, vo- cational accompaniment, Christian values

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Stepień, A. (2017). Osoba formatora w procesie interioryzacji wartości z uwzględnieniem aspektów dynamiki obecności i nieobecności. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 3(36), 151–174.

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