Published: 2018-01-07

Diocesan Authorities Action Taken in Connection with the Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of Poland of 9 February 1953 on Appointing to Clerical Positions in the Church, Based on the Examples of Diocese

Marek Stępień
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


After World War II, the Communists assumed power in Poland. Their actions were aimed at rapid implementation of the principles of Marxist philosophy through, among others, reducing and then preventing the functioning of the opposition. At the front of the ideological struggle stood also the Catholic Church, whose activity was considered by the state as a major obstacle in achieving the set goals. The pastoral activity of the Church in Poland was curbed considerably at that time, and in many cases was even impossible. On 9 February 1953, the State Council of the People‘s Republic of Po- land issued a Decree on appointing to clerical positions in the Church. The article describes diocesan authorities action taken in connection with this Decree based on the examples of selected dioceses. The Church of Poland did not expect the new regulations and immediately intervened with the state authorities, rightly judging that the issued legislation would serve to repress the clergy. While the Decree of the State Council of February 1953 was in force, the bishops repeatedly protested against the way it was being implemented, and gave examples showing that the state officials enforcing the provisions of the decree were very often breaking the law.


diocesan authorities, the Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of Poland of 9 February 1953 on appointing to clerical positions in the Church, the pastoral activity, the Church in Poland

Citation rules

Stępień, M. (2018). Diocesan Authorities Action Taken in Connection with the Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of Poland of 9 February 1953 on Appointing to Clerical Positions in the Church, Based on the Examples of Diocese. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 3(32), 121–150.

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