Opublikowane: 2019-04-16

Dlaczego List do Hebrajczyków przypomina o pragnieniach patriarchów?

Artur Malina
Collectanea Theologica
Dział: Artykuły


The Pontifical Biblical Commission’s document The Jewish People and
their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible calls attention to a threefold
connection between the two parts of the Christian Bible: continuity, discontinuity
and newness. The paper offers an analysis of a passage as an example
of this relationship. The Epistle to the Hebrews (11:8-22) puts a particular
emphasis on the desires of the patriarchs among other attitudes of the heroes
of faith. They were looking for what was promised to them and desired by
them: a city with solid foundations planned and built by God. Now those
desires can be fulfilled: the everlasting life with God is offered to all who
believe in Jesus Christ.

Słowa kluczowe:

teologia biblijna, soteriologia, List do Hebrajczyków, patriarchowie

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Zasady cytowania

Malina, A. (2019). Dlaczego List do Hebrajczyków przypomina o pragnieniach patriarchów?. Collectanea Theologica, 88(4), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.21697/ct.2018.88.4.05

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