Published: 2020-12-31

The Integral System for the New Evangelization as a Response to the Call of the Church in Latin America for a New Evangelization

Dariusz Pabiś , Andrzej Makowski
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


Since the Second Vatican Council, the awareness of the challenges to evangelization that the Church is facing has been growing stronger. Beginning with the Third Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) in Puebla in 1979, the call to seek new forms and methods for evangelization in a rapidly changing reality started to be called "new evangelization". Thanks to St. John Paul II, this term has permanently stayed in the consciousness of the universal Church.

The pontificate of Pope Francis supports Latin America in continuing its inspirational role in "new evangelization". According to the authors, an interesting pastoral initiative of new evangelization is the Integral System of New Evangelization (SINE - Sistema Integral de la Nueva Evangelización), initiated in Mexico and successfully implemented in many regions of the world, where it has become an official pastoral program for numerous dioceses and parishes. Recognizing the situation of the Church in Poland and the evangelical anxiety of many priests, this system is an interesting solution which – if creatively developed - can transform a traditionally run parish into a vibrant community of communities.


Integral System for the New Evangelization, pastoral model, new evangelization, parish, SINE

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Pabiś, D., & Makowski, A. (2020). The Integral System for the New Evangelization as a Response to the Call of the Church in Latin America for a New Evangelization. Collectanea Theologica, 90(4), 125–142.

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