Published: 2021-12-10

Intratrinitarity of God as the Revealed Hermeneutic Key of Christian Thruthfulness Anthropology

Michał Płóciennik
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The triunity of God is the essence of the most important Christian dogma, being the hermeneutic key of the experience of the Revelation and of the history of salvation. It constitutes the one and in fact the only Truth of many truths of the faith. The experience that constitutes Christianity is thus the radical and definitive self-granting of the Triune God: Pater per Filium in Spiritu Sancto. Therefore, the understanding of who the Triune God really is constitutes the inevitable Christian-truthful condition of any possible hermeneutics. It is not merely some fascinating speculation, but rather ‘to be or not to be’ of Christianity, and hence ‘to be or not to be’ of humankind in its entire created reality as the proper recipient of the self-granting of God. The mystery of every human person, both in his/her individual and his/her social dimension, is in the Christian perspective given to be understood only as happening between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Holy Trinity, theological anthropology, Trinitarian hermeneutics, self-granting of God

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Płóciennik, M. (2021). Intratrinitarity of God as the Revealed Hermeneutic Key of Christian Thruthfulness Anthropology. Collectanea Theologica, 91(4), 113–137.

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