Published: 2022-12-27

The reference point to genetic responsibility and the role of parents .

Piotr Morciniec
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Rozprawy i artykuły


The unavailable upsurge in gene research, especially after the completion of The Human Genome Project, presents new challenges for modern science and society. One of them is to determine the status of the genetic information obtained from these tests. The present research deals with the increasingly formulated demand for genetic respon- sibility in relation to parental tasks. The aim of these studies was to identify the areas of responsibility and the consequences of their implementation. The studies used the scientific desk research method, i.e. the analysis of the data found taking into account the available documents, studies and publications and their comparison with the norms of personalistic bioethics. The results confirm both a paradigm shift in health and the serious consequences of applying norms known as genetic responsibility when applied to the functioning of the family in terms of the transmission of life, the handling of genetic information or the management of genetic risks.


genetic responsibility, status of genetic information, The Human Genome Project, health management, reproductive responsibility, right to (un)knowledge

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Morciniec, P. (2022). The reference point to genetic responsibility and the role of parents . Ius Matrimoniale, 33(2), 137–160.

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