Published: 2019-04-15

Marriage judgment pro nullitate incorrect and canonical remarriage: legal "apax" following the power of February 11, 2013

Ludovic Danto
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Rozprawy i artykuły


The subject of the article is the 2nd point of rescript of Benedict XVI of February 11, 2013: "Before the Roman Rota, it is not possible to apply for a new referral (nova causae propositio) after one of the parties has entered into a new canonical marriage", supplemented by 2nd point, 3 rescript of Francis of August 15, 2015 to add a final clause: "provided that the decision is clearly unfair".

In the first part of this study, the author discusses the canonical principle about a quasi-judged thing and the truth about the marriage bond, in order to conclude in the second part that both of the above-mentioned papal rescripts (the second one is more restrictive) limit the application of this principle in the cases indicated there, which prompts the question of the status of the second marriage defined by these norms.

In the summary Author assumes that if the norm (of the rescript) is expected to last, it cannot conclude that the new "canonical" spouses are in the new sacramental marriage, but rather it should be assumed that they are in a canonically recognized, however non-sacramental, relationship.


marriage, marriage knot, papal rescript, new filing of the case, judgment

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Danto, L. (2019). Marriage judgment pro nullitate incorrect and canonical remarriage: legal "apax" following the power of February 11, 2013. Ius Matrimoniale, 30(2), 63–77.

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